Ken Ammi’s True Free Thinker:
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  • VIDEO: Was Michael Heiser right about Nephilim giants and demons?

    This is the audio of my appearance on the Raiders of the Unknown (Mystic-Skeptic Radio) podcast/radio show. I’m not crazy about the background image but such is how the vid was produced. You can find my main critiques of Heiser in my book and articles as follows: Review of Amy Richter and Michael Heiser on…

  • Claim: “Sethite view is lame”

    The following discussion took place when a Facebook page called Charismatic Cheetah posted Sethite view is lame. I, True Freethinker, noted Sethite view is a late-comer, based on myth and prejudice, and only creates more problems than it solves (so, more than zero). Randy Singleton replied Correct. Not enough people do real research on 1…

  • Considering Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s vid, “Where do Evil Spirits Come From?”

    The following discussion took place due to Dr. Michael S. Heiser’s vid, “Where do Evil Spirits Come From?” since a certain @earlysda commented 2:11 When he said “All of the traditions you will find are again unanimous”, any true-in-heart listener could ascertain that this man is not basing his words on biblical truth, but is…

  • Contra circumcision arguments rear their heads—again

    Every now and then comes a wave of contra circumcision arguments which are answered, go away, and yet, only to return time and again. In this case, I was watching a live stream of the video titled, “Author Bruce de Torres discusses his book God, School, 9/11 and JFK…” when a certain “nivad17” commented this…

  • The Limited Times on Evidence of the existence of the Nephilim, the giants from the Bible, was found in the Golan Heights?

    Undergoing consideration is the article by The Limited Times site titled Evidence of the existence of the Nephilim, the giants from the Bible, was found in the Golan Heights? – Voila! Upfront, we’re told “Evidence of the existence of the Nephilim, the giants from the Bible, was found in the Golan Heights.” Now, the phrase…

  • Review of Randal Rauser’s: The Problem of Canaanite Genocide and Michael Heiser’s Solution

    Randal Rauser (“a systematic and analytic theologian of evangelical persuasion…BA (Trinity Western University) and an MCS (Regent College)”) posted an article titled The Problem of Canaanite Genocide and Michael Heiser’s Solution which begins by noting that since his book, “Jesus Loves Canaanites was released, I have been asked on several occasions about Michael Heiser’s claim…

  • Review of Micheal Heiser’s “The Giant Clans and the Conquest”

    Dr. Michael Heiser wrote a post for one of his websites that was titled The Giant Clans and the Conquest. He sought to tackle the accusation of, “that the Israelite conquest was an indiscriminate genocide of the inhabitants of Canaan.” His solution is that, “it wasn’t indiscriminate at all, and that wholesale genocide wasn’t the…

  • How Fallen Angels Biologically-Engineered The Giants w Dr. Tim Chaffey

    The Right Response Ministries YouTube channel posted a video titled How Fallen Angels Biologically-Engineered The Giants w Dr. Tim Chaffey which led to this discussion when a certain @waynemorellini2110 commented This is a complete misunderstanding.  Apart from different bone structure and density, they have likely an dna made of one side different substance frkm a…

  • Nephilim clowns: “Tall creepy ‘man’ I saw as a child…8 or 9 feet tall…grayish or greenish white”

    A post on Reddit was titled Tall creepy “man” I saw as a child and led to this discussion when a certain Conscious_Way_5375 noted Have you come across anything online about “Nephilim” looking like clowns? Obviously there is a strong correlation between what you saw and the Joker, but with the height it also reminds…

  • “Can atheists be wrong in their belief system?”

    The question Can atheists be wrong in their belief system? was posted to the Quora site and led to the following discussion after Mathijs Wijers (“Hobby philosopher and critical thinker”) commented Q: “Can atheists be wrong in their belief system?” A: Atheist believe system: I see no evidence for any god, therefore: 1b. I don’t…