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What are aliens and UFOs? Whitley Strieber and Barbara Marciniak do not know

We continue from part 1 and part 2, considering the many theories regarding what is variously referred to as aliens, extra-terrestrial, UFOs, flying saucers, etc. and how such theories seem to have found a point of convergence, of commonality.

Interestingly, some of the most well-known names within UFO/alien circles, those have claim to have been having interactions of various sorts with aliens for years, if not decades, admit that even after having made a living preaching the pseudo-gospel of the aliens, they still do not know who or what the aliens are.

Consider one of the most famous contactees/abductees Whitley Strieber from a Q&A session on Barnes and Noble April 12, 1997 AD:

My whole experience is still in question. There perhaps has been some reincarnation-related material…

Is there such a thing as “greys”? I don’t know…

Question: Do you believe “the visitors” will ever make themselves universally known to us?

Whitley Strieber: I have no way of really answering that question. I don’t know what “the visitors” are

Question: What is your opinion on the purpose of THE SECRET SCHOOL? Why would the aliens care about illuminating earthlings?

Whitley Strieber: Perhaps because we are illuminating ourselves. I assume that aliens are the answer when we actually don’t know what is going on.

[this refers both to Strieber’s book “Secret School: Preparation for Contact” and to the alien’s school to which he is referring]

Question: Mr. Strieber, why do they interfere in our lives without obvious permission to do so?

Whitley Strieber: We don’t know what “they” are. Therefore we have no idea how issues like that actually relate to the experience. Next.

The nature of what is real is fundamentally in question. We don’t know who we are. We don’t know what the universe is. And we don’t know the relationship between ourselves and the universe, but we can find out.

Of particular interest may be the following:

Question: Mr. Strieber, I wonder if you are as frightened of the inexplicable aspects of your experiences as you once were?

Whitley Strieber: I’m not frightened anymore. I got used to being astonished, and bored with being scared of things that didn’t hurt. I guess I lost interest in my fear. That doesn’t mean that I have decided that the experience is benign or even positive. I don’t know how to interpret it. I move ahead cautiously.

But to what frightening and scary experiences are they referring? In his book Transformation (1988 AD ed. p. 181) Strieber writes:

I felt an absolutely indescribable sense of menace. It was hell on earth to be there, and yet I couldn’t move, couldn’t cry out, couldn’t get away…Whatever was there seemed so monstrously ugly, so filthy and dark and sinister. Of course they were demons. They had to be. And they were here and I couldn’t get away.

Interestingly, whilst writing this article it was recalled that both Strieber and Barbara Marciniak (who’s first book Bringers of the Dawn was published in 1992 AD) have both been dealing with aliens for decades and yet, both (and surely others) claim to not who with whom they are dealing, they still do not know who the aliens are even after having dealt with them for so very long and having spread their pseudo-gospel for so very long.

Well, lo and behold, it just so happens that in researching Strieber’s statements in this regard he mentions Marciniak:

Question: Are you familiar with the work of Barbara Marciniak on/with the Pleiadians? If so, what do you think of it?

Whitley Strieber: Channeled material is fascinating to me, because we don’t know where it comes from. It would offer us rich new insight into the human mind, if we could understand this. I like Barbara very much and respect her integrity and effort.

But who is Barbara Marciniak? Just as an FYI this writer has read various books by both Strieber and Marciniak. Consider the following from The Intuitive-Connections Network’s “Conversation with Barbara Marciniak”:

1) Will you tell us who the Pleiadians are?

That’s the big mystery. I really don’t know exactly who they are. They introduced themselves, when I first began to channel them, as a collective of multidimensional beings from the star system we call the Pleiades. They claim that they are kin to us, and that they have come back in time from their future to our present time…they’ve returned…to help us more clearly see our choices and possibly create an alternative probability based on personal empowerment and our connection to nature. Otherwise, we may end up as disempowered drones living a nightmare existence as half-human/half-machine beings [aka transhumanism].

2) How did you come to channel messages from them?

I was really captivated by the Seth material channeled by Jane Roberts. The main message was that your thoughts create your reality, and from my own experience I knew that to be true…In May of 1988, I followed an enticing impulse and went on a sacred journey tour to Egypt and Greece. While traveling to these ancient sites, I sensed a familiarity and felt that I had lived there in other times. The last stop was Delphi, where unbeknownst to me, female oracles in trance states had served as official soothsayers for centuries.

As I walked through the entrance to the temple, my body was hit with what I would now call cellular memories…I had a strong impulse to return to my room and practice channeling. I sat down on the floor, with my back up against the bed, recalled my visit to the King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, and said out loud,
“I intend to be a clear channel now.” After a few minutes, I began to speak in a voice other than my own, and the source soon identified themselves as The Pleiadians…

7) You stress the importance of being immersed in nature. What is happening to our psyches as we shift from a nature-based society to an electronically entrained one?

…Being immersed in nature balances the mind and replenishes those codes [“genetic codes and energy frequencies from cosmic sources”] at every level; it refines and updates them, and makes us better equipped to manage our lives as co-creators.

The Pleiadians say that nature is a majestic program of energy, a force of consciousness, that we must learn how to consciously interact with…

In other words, whatever the Pleiadians are, they are preaching a pseudo-gospel of neo-Pagan, nature worship, Gaia consciousness.

Also akin to neo-Pagan spirituality is the exploitation of sex disguised as spirituality—sexual devolution:

8) Will you explain how the proper use of sexual energy can restore all that is sacred and missing in our lives?

…the chief challenge to emotional balance is dealing with sexual energy, which is both the most difficult and dangerous of energies to understand. An open and honest exploration of sexual energy, in regards to what it is and how we use it, can restore the sacred in our lives…Sexuality is an essential aspect of our creativity; when founded upon worthy values, our sexual experiences will offer romance, excitement, trust, intimacy, passion, caring, love, and self-worth…Sexual energy is also a karmic opening…we may attract people from so-called past lives to recreate specific experiences for the purpose of healing unresolved issues…

Sex is wonderful when it is exercised in the YHVH ordained manner as He did, after all, invent it. Yet, within “spirituality” movements sex is often turned into a styled temple prostitution, a means whereby to attract others to join the group, the movement, the belief. A means to have “fun” or even to engage in Tantric Yoga which is the epitome of sex disguised as spirituality.

In conclusion, some of the most famous contactees/abductees have been working as aliens to humans go betweens for decades. They have written books, given lectures, made videos, lead traveling groups to sacred or otherwise relevant sites in short, made their living promulgating alien messages. They do not even know who or what the aliens are but nevertheless, they preach messages of passively giving in to various abusive actions upon their persons, neo-Pagan spirituality and the fallacy of Judeo-Christian theology.

In the next segment we will consider: What are aliens and UFOs? On Karla Turner’s conclusions


For some books by Christian authors on the alien, UFO, demonic phenomenon, see:
Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates

Alien Encounters: The Secret Behind The UFO Phenomenon by Chuck
Missler and Mark Eastman

Facts on UFO’s by John Weldon and John Ankerberg

Encounters with UFO’s by John Weldon

Mind Invaders by Hunt Dave


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