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True vs. Fake News – pizzagate vs. Muslim terrorism

On Sunday January 1, 2017 AD I listened to an entire segment of the show Meet the Press wherein the media discussed the media.
Listening to the media discussed the media is tantamount to well, listening to the media discussed the media. It is like hearing any high profile person elucidating in explicit detail how and why they are wrong, are rightly criticized and what they will do to change. In other words, it was a bout of Adam and Eve style blaming the next person—the media is as pure as the wind driven snow, nothing to see here, move along, move along.

Now, this is not about politics and so I only need make one point in this regard. Of course, they point out the fact that Donald Trump often takes pop-shots at the media and fail to note that the media’s reply is to take pop-shots at Trump. They rightly note that such pop-shots at the media really resonate with many people but utterly fail to even discuss why this is the case.

In short, for very many decades those on the socio-political right and even those closer to the middle have recognized that the mainstream media is merely a bias lapdog platform for leftist propaganda.

Let us consider one example of how the media could play fair with news but instead manipulates the news so as to result in promulgating fake news—see my posts on #fakenews here.

Both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama admins have claimed that Muslim terrorists are not Muslim terrorists. Yet, when both of these admins incarcerated Muslim terrorists they provided them, at US tax payer expense, with Qur’ans, halal meals, prayer rugs, and allowed them five prayer times per day facing Mecca, etc. because, apparently, non-Muslims read the Qur’an, eat halal meals, use prayer rugs and pray facing Mecca five times per day—go figure.

The concept of fake news has been one of the fastest spreading memes and it got a welcomed boost from when an actor named Edgar Maddison Welch went into Comet Ping Pong Pizza and shot off a round or two from a weapon without hitting anyone.
The media instantly connected dots: his actions were specifically motivated by his belief. He had been reading and hearing about the #pizzagate claims and this lead directly to his actions. On a barebones basic level this is perfectly logical and accurate.

Data (in this case said to be false conspiracy theories), lead to beliefs (in this case said to be false conspiracy theories) which resulted in actions (the shooting).

Fine, let us go with that.


Now, pick any action by any of the endless list of Muslim terrorist acts over even just the past five years and it is a whole different story.

All of a sudden the media not only does not connected dots but denies that the dots even exist: their actions were not in any way motivated by their belief. They had been reading and hearing about the fact that Muhammad, the Qur’an, Allah, and Islamic history command that violence be done to non-Muslims and this in no way lead to their actions.

Data (in this case the fact that Muhammad, the Qur’an, Allah, and Islamic history command that violence be done to non-Muslims), did not lead to beliefs (in this case the fact that Muhammad, the Qur’an, Allah, and Islamic history command that violence be done to non-Muslims) and this not only did not but could not have resulted in actions (terrorism).

Oh, I know what some of you are thinking:
But they claimed to be committing terrorist acts in the name of Muhammad, the Qur’an, Allah, and Islam: but, or so the media authoritatively asserts, they are wrong because “Islam” means “peace.”

But “Islam” does not mean “peace” but means “submission”: but, or so the media authoritatively asserts, that matter not because in any case Islam is a peaceful religion.

But the authors of the Encyclopedia of Wars (New York: Facts on File, 2005 AD) are authors are nine history professors who chronicled 1,763 wars and they concluded that of all of history’s “religious wars” (which as per their reckoning of 10,000 years of war from 8000 BC to 2003 AD amount to 123 wars or 6.98% of all wars) Islam has involved in half of those. Thus, as one of the youngest of the world religions Islam has managed to involve themselves in half of all known religious wars—and this does not could individual terrorist attacks: but, or so the media authoritatively asserts, that is not relevant because Muhammad preached peace, the Qur’an teaches peace, Allah revealed a peaceful message and Islam is highjacked when Muslims claim violence in the name of Muhammad, the Qur’an, Allah, and Islam.

But the Qur’an contains 109 so called “war verse” (not counting statements in the Hadith)1 which are not just about self-defense wars but about persecuting non-Muslims: but, or so the media authoritatively asserts, those verses are being misinterpreted by non-Muslim terrorists.

But the terrorists have Muslim names: but what’s in a name, that does not make them Muslim. But they were raised as Muslims by Muslims in Muslim families in Muslim countries (or not): but that does not make them Muslim. But they read the Qur’an since childhood, believe what it states and base their theology on it: but that does not make them Muslim. But they claim to be Muslims: but that does not make them Muslim. But they practice the Islamic religion: but that does not make them Muslim.

But when we incarcerate them we are forced to provide them with Qur’ans, halal meals, prayer rugs, and allowed them five prayer times per day facing Mecca, etc.: but, hey, look at what Kim Kardashian is doing today!!!

Need I go on?

I believe that the case has been made on various levels: if the leftists and/or liberals and/or Democrats promulgate it then it is so even if it is utterly illogical, obviously untrue and inconsistent.
The media is now getting very many people to agree to censorship via the claim of fake news and the claim to merely be interested in just the facts ma’am—or, sorry, I should probably say just the facts non-gender specific personage.


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